Monday 14 January 2013

"The PC is dead, long live the tablet" <-- What does this tell us about the process of invention and innovation?

They tell us that in 2016, tablet devices will be more famous,more phenomenal and overpower the other devices like computer,dekstop and laptop. Gartner estimates that in 2012 purchases of tablets by businesses will reach 13 million units and will more than triple by 2016, to reach 53 million units. Wow!!!! 0_0

"Bring your own devices" will be a trend from now. For a short form,it will be (BYOD). If that so,Windows will turn down to third position below Apple’s iOS operating system in second and Android in first place as the most popular sad.. :(
 It is true that tablet is small,easy to use,easy to bring anywhere,but for me,even a laptop is more better than tablet. Tablet's function is not cool as laptop. I'm even more like to buy computer dekstop and laptop for my devices. 

What kind of environment, situation etc., would make you to become a creative/inventive/innovative person?:-

From my observation of myself,i will be a creative,inventive and innovative person when i'm in a rush situation.

for an example,i'm a person who are always doing things in last minute. In that situation, i will push myself and use my brain to the limit to finish my work. I also use my environment like my friends to ask them the things that i didn't know and i will find a peaceful place to finish it up. :)

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