Friday 18 January 2013

'Advertising' Myself

This is my final post in my Creative Studies blog. At the early time of doing this blog I felt so annoying to be honest. But time after time doing this blog, my interest in blogging increased. I had fun doing this blogging. I feel a little bit sad to left it. I will remember this memories no doubt.

So lets start. I studied in this MMU University to be a designer. So as a designer, what I know is we must know properly to use our ideas, and what we are promoting. So that our product can be spread to big area.

The key or tips to advertising is remember that we are reaching out to other peoples. It means that we must confirm that what we reaching them is suitable for them. Of course, they are human, they have emotion, feelings and desire.

We also as a designer must aware of lifestyle evolution through our generation. Human's lifestyle always evolve so that we must satisfy their desire. In other meaning, we need to understand them. :D

Right now, I'm not prepare to 'advertising' myself to the world even i must do it for my future. I guess what can i do for now to 'advertising' myself is promote my artwork by online. From that, little by little peoples will recognize my artwork and maybe they will promote me. Then if i have a luck, I will get a job from that. So thats all from me.. Thank you.. :)

Thursday 17 January 2013


What i read at wikipedia, dadaism was an art movement of the European arvant-garde in the early 20th century.
From my understanding and research, dadaism was an old art that still famous and appreciated until now. It is illogical, wierd and unique art that still recognized by other peoples now.

So here's one example :-

The chinese dragon, I guess it is the result of juxtaposition of many animals. Just try to observe the dragon. It has a body of snake,feets of chicken, scales of fish, faces of mixed lion and wolves. Until now, it is the identity,symbol and pride of Chinese people.

So, what can we do?it just a rumour and old art. Now it is our time to create a new thing as unique,creative,wierd, for our generation that can compete with the old arts. Every person have their own personal design if we develop it ourself. :)

Monday 14 January 2013

Random Word Association

So, what is the meaning of RWA? Random Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that associated together. This definition of RWA I read it at wikipedia.

From my undertanding, RWA is a common game of words that allow us to solve any problem through our logical thinking. That is my opinion and my understanding. ^_^


This is excercise is given from my lecturer during class. He told us to solve problem about smoking even I'm smoker. haha :D

Problem : Stop or discourage people from smoking
Random words : Traffic light

Point from the logical mind map of traffic light :-

-we can put three color traffic light on cigarettes(red,yellow,green). And each color indicates the level of danger itself. This would make smokers think several times to smoke. :D

-we can put some dirty things on cigarette that can make the smoker to feel tickled to smoke cigarette. ^_^

-we can put some sign like ' respect ourself ' or ' cause of disease ' on cigarette to remind the all smoker to stop smoke. haha :)

-we can put some metal ingredients into cigarette to produced a wierd taste when the smoker smoke. OMG!!

I'm a smoker. So i know what the feelings if one of this point is happen to me. hahaha ^_^


This is the meaning of Juxtaposition that I read from wikipedia. Juxtaposition is  the act or placement of two things (usually abstract concepts) near each other.

And from my understanding, juxtaposition is a new creation that we made after two things mixed. The things can be anything such as human,animals,things, and so on. 

And this is the examples that I made by myself :-

So, we can create anything as long as we're creative. yeah~~ ^_^

Mind Map

So. what my lecturer told me and my friends is that, there are two types of mind map; Logical mind map and associated mind map.

Logical mind map are where the points are related logically to the core idea. And for Associated mind map are where the points seemingly have no connection to the core idea, but they actually do.

This is example of logical mind map :

and this is an example of associated mind map :

From my understanding, mind makes us think more degrees of forward and we will be able to make it more orderly. We also will be able to identify what we have purpose and will. So this is what can i explain about this mind map title. ^_^


If there are any mankind in the history of our world, I will choose Prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).

-What traits that made him creative?
Okay,why i say that Nabi Muhammad is creative person?It is because in history of his life,he can settle things by thinking and use his brain. For an example,this story happened at Mecca where people fight each other to lift up the Hajarul Aswad(Black Stone) to be placed at the edge of the angle of the Kaabah. Prophet Nabi Muhammad creative problemsolving in which he took a piece of big cloth and laying the Hajarul Aswad on it. Then asked everyone together lift up the big cloth filled with Hajarul Aswad on it so that everyone can lift the stone into place. Creative Prophet Muhammad to be able to think that way right? so his traits is think the idea that benefit to all people and be fair and equitable manner to everyone. :)

-What environmental conditions existed?
In era of Nabi Muhammad,their environment condition is very modest. Because Nabi Muhammad encourage us to live moderate so that we can use another of our wealth to Islam. Therefore, many of Muslim's people at that time live moderate. At that time also, there have a war between Muslim's people and Quraish's people. Therefore, Nabi Muhammad push himself to be a better king.

-What was the process of creativity?
Nabi Muhammad is naturally creative,kind,fair,forgiveness,soft-hearted,patient and loving person. It is a give from Allah to our mankind Nabi Muhammad SAW. Thats why he is the best people of all time on this earth.. :)

"The PC is dead, long live the tablet" <-- What does this tell us about the process of invention and innovation?

They tell us that in 2016, tablet devices will be more famous,more phenomenal and overpower the other devices like computer,dekstop and laptop. Gartner estimates that in 2012 purchases of tablets by businesses will reach 13 million units and will more than triple by 2016, to reach 53 million units. Wow!!!! 0_0

"Bring your own devices" will be a trend from now. For a short form,it will be (BYOD). If that so,Windows will turn down to third position below Apple’s iOS operating system in second and Android in first place as the most popular sad.. :(
 It is true that tablet is small,easy to use,easy to bring anywhere,but for me,even a laptop is more better than tablet. Tablet's function is not cool as laptop. I'm even more like to buy computer dekstop and laptop for my devices. 

What kind of environment, situation etc., would make you to become a creative/inventive/innovative person?:-

From my observation of myself,i will be a creative,inventive and innovative person when i'm in a rush situation.

for an example,i'm a person who are always doing things in last minute. In that situation, i will push myself and use my brain to the limit to finish my work. I also use my environment like my friends to ask them the things that i didn't know and i will find a peaceful place to finish it up. :)